About Us
Clarence Valley Sports Field Maintenance is a construction and renovation extension service of Clarence Valley Turf located at Seelands (Grafton) NSW
Our company has been actively providing regular renovation services to local councils, sporting clubs and schools over a number of years and offer specific custom made packages for every activity.

We are quality growers of AusGap certified turf and are part of the Lawn Solutions Australia network which supplies some of Australia's premium turf.
CVSFM offers a unique level of practical, technical and backup services working closely with agronomists, horticulturalists and green keepers accessing the client to the best advice available.
Regardless of the size of your project, be it a turf patch-up of a worn out school playground or to a full stadium renovation we have packages to suit every budget.
Our Services
Clarence Valley Sports Field Maintenance offer a range of specialised services including: Construction, Renovation, Maintenance of Sports Fields as well as Client Services.
Project Initiation, Consultation and Completion:
With total respect of the clients original project concept in mind until the final handover completion, we can guide you through the whole project with confidence, ease and peace of mind.
Services include:
Planning and Drafting of Client's Concept Ideas
Expert Advice and Guidance throughout the project
Complete Dedication to Customer Service
Project Management and Maintenance
Testing and Quality Control
Handover and Training of Practical Operations and Manuals.
Ongoing Backup Support after Handover Completion
Growing media profile drainage design, performance and laboratory analysis.
Soil testing and recommendations.
Advice from agronomists, horticulturalists and sports turf experts.
Supply of specified sands and soils from accredited quarries.
Supply of sports turf varieties grown by CVSFM including Tif Tuf and Winter Green Couch.

Removal of existing playing services in preparation for cultivation.
Addition of soil blends, levelling and brooming of surface prior to turf stolonising or laying.
Application of soil amendments and fertilisers following soil testing and analysis.
Drainage and Irrigation.
Subgrade Surface Preparation
Laser levelling.
Removal of grass thatch.
Stolonising and laying of sports field specific turf varieties.
Pest and Weed programs.
Aeration of fields and grounds.
Aggravator and Scarifying work.
Patch up work of worn out areas.
Over sowing of turf seed.
Mowing and rolling
Technical support over the duration of the project

Turf Recommendations

Australia’s long dry summers and droughts can be brutal on lawns —and even more so on your water use and bill. TifTuf Bermuda Grass was developed by the world’s leading turf scientist with this challenge in mind.
"The best drought tolerant grass we have ever seen in Australian Lawns."

Nullarbor Couch is a nice dark green colour with a fine leaf. Displays good wear tolerance whilst being a low maintenance lawn. It requires minimal mowing and is drought tolerant.

Sir Walter DNA Certified was bred in Australia and is excellent in full shade or sun and in extreme heat, drought or frost. Minimum maintenance is required, including little mowing, fertilising and watering. Sir Walter DNA Certified comes with a 10-year product warranty.
Our Equipment
When managing sports fields, it is vital to have an efficient and adequate nutrition program. Fertilising, in conjunction with an efficient watering program and other turf maintenance practices, is a pivotal step to ensure healthy turf grass for sports fields.
Our Spreader provides a large 500KG hopper which can easily and quickly cover large areas with sound coverage as required for each fertiliser. Accurate spreading pattern with working width up to 18m. Top loading into large hoppers allows for safe loading of fertiliser and line of sight on contents.
Our Turf Planter is designed for planting Golf Courses, Sporting fields or any large open space. If you are looking at much more cost effective way of planting out your new sports field or other large areas than our Turf Planter may be the option for you.
If you have the allowance of time and want to plant an area at an average of 1/3 of the cost of planting slab turf than we can provide a solution tailored for you.
Our planter allows
Planting row width of 200mm at 10 rows
Planter row press wheels
Large 500mm diameter press roller
Flow controls for plant rate controls
2 pallet carrying capacity to allow for large planting in short time
Rather than just punching holes in soil, our AGRI-vator uses a patented vibrating action to loosen soil without destroying existing turf on the surface.
This unit will aerate and accomplish renovations on all types of fields. This process significantly improves the infiltration of air, nutrients and water, improving the overall health of soil and turf.
At an 8ft width this service can cover large grounds at varying speeds depending on soil type and compaction of soil. The heavier the compaction the slower the speed to allow for greater break up of this soil.
Regular Aeration
Is an important part of the turf management process in maintaining safe and healthy sports fields.
Minimises compaction levels on the sports field.
Reduces surface hardness which can increase a field’s safety from a usability perspective.
From a turf perspective, allows greater water infiltration and percolation through the soil profile. This allows any added amendments/nutrients to reach the plants root zone.

AusGAP Accreditation
AusGAP is the Austalian turf accreditation program designed to provide consumers with assurance that their turf adheres to a stringent set of quality standards.
The AusGAP certification system not only ensures the genetic purity of a turf grass variety but also provides assurance that the entire production, sales, delivery and installation process is undertaken to the highest industry standards.
AusGAP incorporates the International Turf grass Genetic Assurance Program (ITGAP), a quality assurance program used throughout the USA and other parts of the world.
There are four main components of AusGAP that allow for the highest standards in turf production to be achieved by encompassing all facets of turf grower operations; business and regulatory compliances, environmental stewardship, staff welfare and safety, and maximum levels of customer satisfaction.
Clarence Valley Turf and Clarence Valley Sports Field Maintenance are both AusGAP accredited, certified and compliant businesses of the AusGAP program.